Officer Ken Kenner’s DUI Blog #2

Officer Ken Kenner DUI Blog 1 Comment 99

This week: Why I hate the firemen

Officer Ken Kenner

Manzanita Beach Police Department
#1 in the DUI Arrests in all Manzanita Beach Police Department

#1 Mad Mothers Against the Drunk Drivers Award 7 Years in a Row


Officer Kenner received much responses for his first blog, especially from the stupid fireman! “Ohh, boo hoo, I not like how Officer Kenner bag on the firemen, wahhh!!!”

Well, in this week Officer Kenner going to discuss the stupid firemen MORE. Officer Kenner can’t stand the firemen. In fact I HATE THE FIREMEN!

They always drivin around with that stupid Fire Helmet sticker on the back window of the car or on the bumper like, oh I big fireman. Oh I’m the hero of the whole world. Oh, Officer Kenner please DON’T PULL ME OVER AND GIVE ME DUI!!! That is what your stupid sticker really sayin isn’t it mister “hero in your own mind” fireman?

Everyody know your mostly a bunch of smarty mouth drunks anyway and you can bet Officer Kenner WILL pull you over and give you the DUI!!! The fireman sticker almost as bad as the stupid who is driving around with the holiday wreath tied to the front of the car at the holiday time.

I will definitely pull over the fireman sticker car. A lot of times it is your dummy fireman drunker wife or spoilt rotten fireman kids! Dummys.

Or when you on your way home from dirt biking or towing your stupid boat after another weekend at the lake – ever notice all the fireman have dirt bike and boat for to have something to do with all the off time?

Also the firemen is always walking around like they the big HEROES. Oh, look at me, I’m the Fireman and I go around saving everyone all the time. Yeah, right!!! You mostly play the ping-pong and WASH YER STUPID FIRE ENGINE AND WASH DOWN THE DAM DRIVEWAY AND GO TO THE GROCERY STORE! Every time Officer Kenner ride by the fire house on his motorcycle this is what you dummys are doing. Sometimes the old people have the heart attack and then what do you big dummys do? CALL THE PARAMEDICS or OFFICERS like me, Officer Kenner already there and take care of the bizness.

In the Meanwhile, the Police Officers like me, Officer Kenner as in WINNER, are doing the REAL SAFETY WORK also. The other night is good example. This stupid dummy drunk lady smash into another guy and there’s a big accident. Who was on the scene first? ME – OFFICERKENNER!!! I have the scene under control and have the stupid drunker lady handcuff and lay down on the curb AND checking on innocent victim making sure he okay – Then here comes you guys in your big red fire truck. WOW, the BIG FIREMEN –  Ohh, listen to the loud sirens! WOOOooooo – WooWooWoo – WOOOooooo and it take like 5 guys to drive your stupid fire truck and oh, the flashing lights all over the place like Look at me, I coming to save the day again. Do not worry! The Fireman will make everything okay. Meanwhile, Officer Kenner ALREADY DID!!!

Then you make it all a big deal and running around with the big yellow tool box of bandages in your silly fireman pants and boots and such and really it’s the ambulance guys that load the hurt guy in the ambulance. But of course you big glory dummys have plenty of time to go walk around by the crowd so they can say thank you and how tirriffic you are and, oh, thank you mister fireman and give the silly children like fire badge stickers. I want puke it so sick.

Meanwhile IT IS ME that gets the drunk off the road and is real hero. Ask the mad mothers against the stupid drunk drivers and YOU WILL SEE!!

And last thing why I hate the firemen is they always challenge the police to games like the basketball or relay race or other stupid thing and then make big deal when they win – OF COURSE YOU WIN, YOU BIG DUMMYS – While you practicing the basketball and ping pong and running around the block by the fire house OFFICER KENNER IS PULLLING OVER THE DRUNKERS AND GIVING DUI!!!!!! In the other words he is WORKING and to busy to be playing your little games. I GET 10 TIMES MORE DUI THAN YOU ANY DAY OF THE WEEK AND STILL HELP At CAR ACCIDENT OR GUY WITH HEARTATTAK!

So watch it fire babys and know that your dummy fire helmet sticker won’t stop OFFICER KENNER as in WINNER! He will pull you fire drunkers over anyway and give you DUI!!!

1 Comment

  1. Hal Jalikakik March 24, 2012 at 3:21 pm

    Veery funny, deese vun! I can’t stand the firemen either.

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