Sandy Berdino, White Trash Movie Critic, reviews The Hangover 2

Suburban Cinema with Sandy Berdino, White Trash Movie Critic 3 Comments 118

Hangover 2? I didn’t even get Hangover 1. Everybody was carrying on about how great it was and that it was the funniest movie ever and how it was a work of genius, blah, blah blah. I mean I really expected it to be HY-larious, like on the same level with Freddy got Fingered or Encino Man or something but boy was I wrong!

I mean I think Mike Tyson is as much of a dreamy hunk as the next chick but anybody that thinks that oriental guy was funny in the first Hangover movie needs to attend an AA (A-holes Anonymous) meeting as soon as possible! Speaking of AA, I even snuck some of those little Club Margaritas into that stupid Hangover 1 movie and thank goodness I did because they made that atrocious film at least somewhat bearable.

It’s bad enough to waste the money and time but when I take my life in my hands by going to one of my local Inland Empire movie theatres where there is a high probability of being mugged, raped, shot or stabbed, that movie better not be a red hot steaming turd like the Hangover 1.

And to think the actors in that movie got so uppity and full of themselves because of all the dummies that carried on about what a work of art it was! I mean those jerks have the nerve to give Mel Gibson the boot from their precious Hangover 2? PLEASE! Those nitwits aren’t even worthy to sniff Mel Gibson’s under pants! Especially the fat little goofy one with the beard that is even more annoying than the formerly most annoying actor ever, Martin Short.

Anyway, when I saw all the baggy pants gangbangers and stupid white kids with their tattoos and molested studded ear lobes standing in line I decided to say, FORGET HANGOVER 2 –  I ALREADY KNOW IT’S HORRIBLE!!!!

I opted for the new Disney Documentary, African Cats, instead and it was pretty good! So until next time, be careful at the movies and see you there!!!!

Sandy Berdino

White Trash Movie Critic



  1. gun safes June 7, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    Usually I dont comment on your posts much but when I tried earlier today, I got a blank screen after I clicked ‘Comment’. It seems to work ok now I guess, but just so you know. Regards, Judith

  2. Suburbanwisdom June 7, 2011 at 4:46 pm

    Seems to have come through fine. I’ll let Sandy know. Thanks, Judith!

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