Medical Marijuana Link to Childhood Obesity May Spur Obamas

Suburban Favorites 0 Comment 63

Reported by Chad Arthur Livingston

OAKLAND, CA – Recent incidents such as a bloated Maryland teenager found fast asleep amidst a carnage of what his mother called “The craziest eating binge I’ve ever seen,” may hold some clues as to why the Obama Administration has recently been so heavy-handed against the Medical Marijuana Industry.

“It’s because of Michelle’s campaign against childhood obesity,” alleges a Washington D.C. Insider who wished to remain anonymous.


“This Maryland kid apparently got into his mother’s medical marijuana stash and then got the munchies real bad,” reports the Insider. “He started off with some kind of massive plate of tater-tot chili-cheese nachos and sour cream. Then he ordered a large pepperoni pizza, chicken wings and consumed a half gallon of mint-chip ice cream. He wasn’t finished either because when they found him asleep in front of a Sponge Bob marathon he was half way through a triple decker bologna sandwich and there was an empty bag of potato chips nearby too.”

Hearing of this incident, and others, the First Lady reportedly became very concerned, according to the Insider, and urged her otherwise impartial President husband to come down hard on Medical Marijuana before it destroyed her childhood obesity campaign.

“Oh yeah, Man. Reports of all-ready fat teenagers going crazy eating in front of the television or playing video games after getting into some adult’s dope-stash is epidemic and has Michelle very concerned,” continued the Insider. “This one kid and his buddy got into his grampa’s pot brownies and after eating one they couldn’t resist having another and another until they ate the whole batch. Somehow they got to a Taco Bell as evidenced by a pile of burrito, taco and chalupa wrappers found in the living room, then they got into leftovers, you name it. Like vultures, they literally ate everything in the house and then were found asleep in the backyard in only their underpants.”

The recent spate of heavy handed tactics by Federal Agents against the medical marijuana industry – particularly a recent raid of the medical marijuana training school, Oaksterdam University in Oakland, CA – has left many industry insiders and pro-marijuana advocates scratching their heads: Wasn’t the liberally minded Obama supposed to make it easier to light up?

“I know during that 2008 campaign, Obama and his folks were saying they were all for just letting the states deal with it (medical marijuana),” says pro-medical marijuana advocate, Stan Billups, who recently had his dispensary shut down. “We were clicking our heals for Obama and then all of a sudden he’s got his jack boots marching in, taking all our stuff and shutting us down. Bush was 10 times better than Obama. What gives?”

When told of the possible connection between the Obama Administration’s crack down and Mrs. Obama’s fight against fat Americans, Billups looks stunned before laughing and shaking his head.

“So that’s it,” he said. “Leave it to the kids to turn medical marijuana back into the simple magic hippy lettuce that it truly is.”



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